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NAOMI House – Native American Outreach Ministries, Inc.


There is a need for safe houses like NAOMI on different Reservations across America. Our NAOMI Arizona locations was established as a non-profit home for abused and neglected Native American children and we moved into our present home in January of 1995.

We strive to maintain an atmosphere that not only looks like home but also feels like home. We are a family. For the sake of the children, we avoid all appearances of institution and endeavor to be as culturally appropriate as possible.

We are told that it takes a village to raise a child. However, when a child has been abused and wounded, it takes more than just one village—it takes many. NAOMI is one small village, working with many others to help hurt children recover from child abuse.


Our Home

NAOMI House is dedicated to providing a safe and loving home for Native American Children.

NAOMI House operates on an emergency, front-line basis. That is, providing food, clothing, shelter, safety, and prayer, on-call, as the need arises. 

Currently, NAOMI Arizona is in expansion phase, we have two new parcels of land. We have been very blessed to have started an aging out program, along side a cultural  program

Sustaining and expanding our current vehicle of safe houses is vital and important to the big picture. In addition to this tremendous work of caring for children birth to 18 years old, we also see an incredible need to assist our ‘aging out’ kids who are transitioning into adulthood. A young adult program would help many from falling through the cracks after, oftentimes, a lifetime in the foster care system. 

And finally, at the heart of NAOMI House is family. Why? Because that is what is at the heart of Father God. One of our biggest prayers is to discover ways NAOMI House can help facilitate healing, wholeness, and reunification of families in a healthy, safe, and loving environment?

Though direly needed, truly success is not building more houses, with more beds, for more children. Ultimately, success is the healing and restoring of the family unit and communities, one child at a time.

We want to say thank you for helping us in this lofty and prayerful journey in any capacity and in many ways.

God bless you!

Genevieve Dawn Skidmore,
Executive Director

Large room with seating for dining


Approximately 50% of the funding that NAOMI receives comes from individuals, organizations and churches. The other 50% comes from the Navajo Nation. We do not receive Federal or State government funding. Your generous donation will help us provide a safe and loving home for Native American Children in need.